"Should we take the short cut or the scenic route?"
"Let's take the shortcut."
"Ah, but the scenic route is so much prettier."
"(sigh) OK, let's take the scenic route."
"It's actually slightly quicker anyway."
Opening scene of the movie "Fantastic Mr Fox " by Wes Anderson
Since every project is unique, we have no ready-made answers. There are no shortcuts, so we will take you on the scenic route.
Whether it will really be slightly quicker? No. Life is not a Wes Anderson movie. There will be unexpected obstacles and sometimes you might have to retrace your steps. But we will help you to get over those obstacles and find the right road.
And you will see that in the end… the scenic route really is so much prettier.
our approach
how we tailor your "New Ways of Working"
We don't need to tell you that we live in a time of big changes in the World of Work.
That is exciting but also challenging, we know. Can't see the forest for the trees?
Are you a team of office clerks, hybrid workers, digital nomads, all or none of the above?
We can show you the way to a new way of working, that extends from the bricks (your physical workplace), over the behavior (your company culture) to the bytes (your office technology).
setting the destination
Vision for the future & alignment of all the decision makers.
When together we have determined the direction in which you will head, we will take you on a journey tailor-made for your team.
ABW -> getting to know you = gathering the input : observations, inquiries, workshops, one-to-ones,...
Analyse & challenge through our expert eyes
Through several feedback loops we will together with all the stakeholders define a concept & program for your project
We will guide your team in the transition to an entirely new way of working, which requires an adapted company culture (behaviour) and high-performance technology (bytes). Follow up
our toolbox
We believe that collective intelligence will take you further. We have developed an extensive toolbox to guide you through each step of the process.
collective intelligence
Creative workshops
One to ones
Coaching sessions
Inspirational tours